Monev Facilities
Monev Studios has a wide array of facilities essential to your film or movie project.

Monev Studios has a wide array of facilities essential to your film or movie project.
Available for any useful means :
A workshop is available for you to use. This equipment is available for rent :
Located inside the workshop,
Available for all usefull means,
Ceiling is 3m heigh.
3 containers are available on premise and can be placed anywhere you like. We change these containers on demand.
A high voltage cabin allows us to distribute 650A of power everywhere on the premises. These 650A can be dispatched in the different locations on your request.
Each one of the three studios has a high voltage terminal. Each of these terminals has 6 plugs of 125A.
3 of these plugs are pre-wired and bring power to the different corners and technical ceiling of the studio. This way you don’t have to route heavy power cables yourself.
Each of our 3 studios has a garage door that is high and wide enough to let a truck and its payload inside the studio.
Sizes of each garage door :
Studio 1 : 4m wide and 3m75 high
Studio 2 and 3 : 3m60 wide and 3m75 high
59, L.A. Schockaertstraat
1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
Tel : +32 (0) 2 331.27.75
FORTIS : BE66-2100.5058.4643
VAT : BE 0403.523.562